Utopian Pulse

Flares in the Darkroom

Salon Orizzonti Occupati

Bert Theis

24.09. - 30.09.2014



We were looking for Utopia from the very start, we never met her but she was always close by:
– when we occupied the former ‘La Stecca’ factory and turned it and the two parks of the Isola district in Milan into a centre for art and neighbourhood activities,
– when Christoph painted his ‘Strategic Beautification’ mural onto the Isola newspaper stand,
– when we threw seed bombs with Oliver into the longed-for but still closed Isola Pepe Verde area,
– when we occupied the Galfa skyscraper and attached to it the banner “we could also consider flying”,
– when we tried to win back our horizon with Nikolas Sun-Cloud.
And then, when we thought we were reliving Paul Signac’s In the Time of Anarchy in the summer in San Mauro Cilento, Utopia was flying past laughing over our heads on an Ape scooter.
Now we continue the search every day at the Secession, producing and presenting texts, banners, photos, videos, models, murals, screenprints, songs, discussions…

With Aufo, Bad Museum, Zanny Begg, Antonio Brizzioli, Tania Bruguera, Angelo Castucci, Antonio Cipriani, Francesco Citro, Cooperativa Nuovo Cilento, Comune di San Mauro Cilento, Fornace Falcone, Maddalena Fragnito, Edna Gee, Mariam Ghani, Grupo Etcétera, Heinz-Norbert Jocks, Isabell Lorey, Philippe Nathan/2001, Valentina Montisci, Denis C. Novello, Walter Novello, Nikolay Oleynikov, Creative Olive, Maria Papadimitriou, Camilla Pin, Edith Poirier, Vincenzo Onida, Steve Piccolo, Gerald Raunig, Oliver Ressler & Dario Azzellini, Daniele Rossi, Gak Sato, Mariette Schiltz, Christoph Schäfer, Superstudio, Camilla Topuntoli, Nikola Uzunowski, Jiang Zhi and others.


September 24, 7 pm
Fragments and Moments for New Utopias, Introduction by Ines Doujak, Oliver Ressler, Bert Theis, with contributions by Gerald Raunig and Isabell Lorey.
Sound experience by Steve Piccolo (bass and voice) and Gak Sato (theremin).

September 24-30
daily 9 am – 4 pm – Wo-men at work (architecture, drawing, painting, silkscreen printing, photography, video), video screenings.
daily 4 am – 6 pm Experimental music workshop with Steve Piccolo and Gak Sato.

September 25, 3 pm
Video screening: Streik – The new Student Movement in Luxembourg, video by Luca Andreolli, 8’17”, 2014, presented by Milena Steinmetzer, (language German), discussion.

September 27, 4 pm
Presentation of the “Hypotopia”-project, by Transdizipinäres Planungsteam Milliardenstadt, Vienna, (language German), discussion.

September 28, 11 am – 6 pm
Sign the petition for the Final Abolition of Hell, a project by Etcetera with Bifo and Léon Ferrari.

September 30, 7 pm
Presentation of the workshop’s production:
Isola Utopia Revolution (video) by Camilla Topuntoli , Isola delle Rose (architecture) by Philippe Nathan (2001), The time of Anarchy, or the Time of Harmony? (drawing and painting ) by Edna Gee and Edith Poirier, Printing 4 Utopia (silk screen printing) by Daniele Rossi, Along the Red Thread (web doc about the Isola Utopia experience in San Mauro Cilento) by Antonio Cipriani and Valentina Montisci, with a contribution by Gianfranco Marelli, Utopian Street Signs by Kristina Borg, Flying Desires (Nicola Uzunowski’s Isola Solar Cloud and others) by Bert Theis,
– Concert: The Utopian Theremin Pulse, by Steve Piccolo, Gak Sato and other musicians.