Utopian Pulse

Flares in the Darkroom

Nobodycorp. Internationale Unlimited

Mogok Nasional (General Strike)

The banner is based on a series of posters that were produced during the general strike of the Indonesian Labour Union in 2013, one of huge global significance in a world in which corporate capital is constantly seeking the lowest wages and cheapest working conditions. The union’s demands were for wage increases, social security for the people, and a ban on the outsourcing of production. The strike failed in realizing its aims, but the union continues to fight for their demands to be met.

Nobodycorp. Internationale Unlimited was founded in 1993 by Alit Ambara, artist and activist of Cultural Network (Jaringan Kerja Budaya) in Jakarta. Nobodycorp. became a label for bodies of works that emerged from ideas, discussions and activities inside Cultural Network.